Saturday, February 02, 2008


By July this will be a pool. Pretty nice size. Start saving for your chlorine assessment! This is at the lodge and will be open to all owners. We understand unofficially that the food concession will be run by the Golf club personnel but we have several questions about that. There IS a kitchen in there.

Who will be the grandest in the land part 1 - this home is hidden by the valley in which it sits in a prime location. Could be a major contender.

Who will be the grandest in the land, part 2. Impressive hilltop location. Looks huge from back road.

When we get a great sunset they are worth keeping. Or emailing. This one was spectacular.

I've been promising the Rustmans (new to SO) that I'd include their picture but have been slow. Here they are - a great couple.

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