Saturday, January 20, 2007

ART EXHIBIT - Anthroposophical Art

Bob would you please post this;

The teacher of this class is my very dear friend, who is a wonderful artist. I went to one of her workshops a month or so ago with my daughter and had a magical time. I wanted to make the opportunity available to all of you as well.

Happy New Year, Teresa Duncan

Dear Friends:

My Art Workshop in January will be on Sunday the 28th at 1 pm.

For 3 hours, you and a loved one or close friend will explore a memory, or a song, or a dream for the future. This Relationship Art workshop comes out of my studies of Anthroposophical Art. The workshop will leave you more connected to each other, to yourself, and to the spirit world. So much of what is beautiful in the education that Steiner envisioned comes directly out of the experience of creating art!

Art of this nature requires only that the artist is ready to explore and inquire - no amount of "artistic experience" will enhance your journey. So please do not hesitate due to some preconceived notion about your abilities.

Here's what one participant said about the last workshop:

Susan's workshop held not a trace of work and might more aptly be titled a shop of adoration and fun. My Mom loved her birthday gift and the memories we expressed via the worldless medium of color connected us in a way we have never experienced. We held hands and went strolling through our hearts to relive the fond memories shared and we captured this nostalgia with a new layer expressed in a gift we will forever covet. Susan is an incredible guide and her presence immediately put us at ease and sparked a lively afternoon. Count me in as a regular adoration-shop participant!

The January Workshop is being held at Casa de Luz, on January 28th from 1-4pm. The price is $99 for 2 people.

You are cordially invited to attend and if you know someone who might be interested in this kind of art exploration, please forward this invitation on to them. If you have any questions, please contact me at 301-6176, or by email at

Thank you,


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